Department Laboratories

Intensive Care Laboratory

يحتوي مختبر العناية المركزة على مجموعة واسعة من المعدات والأدوات الحديثة التي تستخدم في رعاية المرضى الحرجين و يتضمن ذلك أجهزة مراقبة حيوية لقياس ورصد الوظائف الحيوية للمرضى، مثل ضغط الدم ومعدل ضربات القلب ومستوى التشبع بالأكسجين في الدم. كما يتوفر في المختبر أجهزة تنفس اصطناعي وأنظمة لتوفير الأوكسجين وأدوات لإدارة الأدوية والعقاقير .

Anatomy Laboratory

The anatomy laboratory for female students of the Anesthesia Department is an educational space dedicated to the study and learning of the anatomy of the human body. This laboratory is designed to provide a practical learning environment where students can understand the exact structure and function of tissues, organs, musculature, nervous system, digestive system and other important human structures The laboratory is used to display the human body through three-dimensional models or facilitative devices such as X-rays and medical endoscopes

Students collaborate with tutors and teaching assistants to understand and analyze the structures of the human body and apply this knowledge in the field of anesthesiaThe anatomy laboratory includes various tools and equipment for learning and training. These equipment may include anthropomorphism, anatomical models, simple surgical instruments, and simulation medical devices. Tutors provide guidance and instructions to students in order to ensure safe and effective learning and a correct understanding of human anatomy.

Biology Lab

يعتبر مختبر الأحياء العام لطالبات قسم التخدير مساحة تعليمية مخصصة يتم فيها تدريب الطالبات على المفاهيم والمهارات المتعلقة بعلوم الحياة وتطبيقاتها في مجال التخدير. يهدف المختبر إلى توفير بيئة عمل عملية وآمنة حيث يمكن للطالبات تطبيق المعرفة النظرية التي يكتسبونها في فصول الدراسة على أساس عملي و يتم استخدام المختبر لإجراء تجارب وتحاليل مختلفة تتعلق بمجال التخدير والعلوم الحيوية. يمكن أن تشمل هذه التجارب دراسة الخلايا والأنسجة والعينات الحيوية باستخدام المجاهر وأجهزة المجهر المختلفة  كما يتم استخدام الأدوات والمعدات الأخرى مثل أوزان القياس وموازيين وأدوات المعالجة الحرارية ومواد الكيمياء لتنفيذ التجارب والتحاليل.

By participating in practical experiments and exercises in the Biology Lab, students are able to develop their skills in analyzing, interpreting and handling vital equipment and material safely. This contributes to their practical understanding of life science concepts and their applications in the field of anesthesia.

Physics Lab

مختبر الفيزياء لطالبات  تقنيات قسم التخدير هو مساحة تعليمية تستخدم لتدريس المفاهيم والمهارات المرتبطة بالفيزياء وتطبيقاتها في مجال التخدير يهدف المختبر إلى توفير بيئة تعلمية عملية حيث تتمكن الطالبات من تطبيق المعرفة النظرية التي يكتسبونها في الفصول الدراسية على أساس عملي ويتم استخدام المختبر لإجراء تجارب وتدريبات تتعلق بمجال الفيزياء وتطبيقاتها في التخدير. قد تشمل هذه التجارب دراسة القوى والحركة والطاقة والكهرباء والمغناطيسية والضغط والحرارة والضوء والصوت وغيرها من المفاهيم الفيزيائية المهمة في مجال التخدير ويتضمن المختبر معدات وأدوات مختلفة تستخدم في التجارب العملية و  تشمل هذه المعدات أجهزة القياس والتسجيل، والدوائر الكهربائية، والأدوات البصرية، والأدوات الميكانيكية، وغيرها و يتم توفير التعليم والإرشاد من قبل أعضاء هيئة التدريس المختصين لضمان سلامة الطالبات ونجاحهم في إجراء التجارب وفهم النتائج.

The physics laboratory contributes to developing students' skills in physical analysis and interpretation and understanding their applications in the field of anesthesia. Practical training in the laboratory helps to build the practical capabilities and scientific thinking of students and enhance their abilities in dealing with physical equipment and tools.

Operating Hall 1

The operating theatre usually includes different medical equipment and tools used in surgeries. Female students are taught how to properly use this equipment to ensure its safe utilization according to medical standards.

تتنوع انشطة التدريب في صالة العمليات لطالبات قسم التخديروفقا للمستوى التعليمي  ومرحلة التدريب ويتضمن ذلك

1- Learn to equip and clean medical equipment used in anesthesia

2- Identify different anesthesia tools and correct use.

3- Automatic ventilation

4- Intravenous infusion

5- Local and general anesthesia.

6- Patient monitoring.

7- Dealing with medical gases.

8- Anesthesia of cold and emergency operations.

9 - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

10- ECG and electric shock.

11- Acid-alkaline balance and ABG values.

Operating Hall 2

The Anesthesiology Department Techniques Operating Room is the place where students trained in anesthesia skills and procedures in a practical and realistic environment. The operating theatre plays a crucial role in developing students' skills and qualifying them to work in the field of anesthesia.

The operating hall is characterized by the availability of equipment and tools necessary to perform anesthesia operations. Surgical beds and all medical equipment required for anesthesia and patient monitoring are provided. The lounge also has vital monitoring devices such as blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation monitors, as well as respirators, injection equipment and medications for anesthesia

The operating hall used to train students to prepare the patient for anesthesia, operate ventilators, and monitor vital functions during surgery. Students are taught how to deal with potential emergencies and provide the necessary care to patients during the period of anesthesia.

The operating room endeavors to provide a safe and simulated environment for students where they can apply theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills related to anesthesia. Qualified tutors and assistants provide guidance and supervision to students to increase their knowledge and to ensure patients safety

In general, the operating room is an important place to train students of the Department of Anesthesiology, where they can acquire the skills and experience necessary to work in the field of anesthesia and provide the necessary care to patients during surgical procedures.

Physiology Laboratory

The laboratory aims to provide students with the required knowledge and skills to understand and interpret the physiological functions of the body and their application in the field of anesthesia The physiology laboratory is characterized by devices and equipment which are vital to conduct experiments and applied exercises. The laboratory includes devices to measure and monitor vital functions such as blood pressure, heart rate and lung breathing. The laboratory also has devices for measuring and analyzing the levels of gases in the blood and the functions of such organs as the heart, kidneys and liver.

The importance of the physiology laboratory lies in enabling students to understand and apply the principles of physiology in the field of anesthesia. Students learn how to measure and analyze the vital functions of patients and understand the effect of anesthesia on these functions and learn about the concept of acid and base balance in the body and its monitoring and management during surgeries. Students are guided in the laboratory by tutors and teaching assistants specialized in the field of physiology. Theoretical and applied education is provided to students through practical and exercises on the devices available in the laboratory.

In general, the Physiology Laboratory is a crucial place to develop the skills of students of the Department of Anesthesiology and to expand their grasp of techniques that facilitate comprehension and application of the necessary principles of physiology to provide safe and effective care to patients during the period of anesthesia.

Chemistry Lab

The chemistry laboratory is characterized by the availability of chemical equipment and tools necessary to conduct experiments and practical exercises. The laboratory includes devices for measuring and analyzing chemicals such as spark spectrometers, mass spectrometers, and devices for analyzing drug concentrations and other compounds in biological samples.

The Chemistry Lab activities aim to teach students how to deal with chemicals, analyze them and understand their impact on the body. Students learn how to prepare and store chemical solutions and use various devices to analyze concentrations and examine drugs and other substances related to anesthesia.

Tutors mentor students in the laboratory and teaching assistants specialized in the field of chemistry. Theoretical and applied education is provided to students through practical experiments and chemical analysis. Students are able to analyze, interpret and apply results in the context of anesthesia and understand the chemical effects of the drugs used.

Computer Lab

The computer lab is of paramount importance to students of the Department of Anesthesia in many aspects which can be enumerated as follows: 

1-Research and scientific analysis Students of the Department of Anesthesia can use the laboratory to conduct scientific research and analysis in the field of anesthesia.

2- The laboratory provides the necessary tools and software to collect and analyze data and draw conclusions and recommendations

3- Enhancing technical skills, the computer lab contributes to enhancing the skills of anesthesia students in using technology and computing in their field. They can learn how to use specialized electronic systems.

Academic and vocational training as the laboratory can be used to carry out academic and vocational training in the Department of Anesthesiology. Theoretical concepts and practical skills acquired in classes and lectures can be applied through practical activities and practical experiences

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